Currently (in sales and marketing) email marketing open rates have an industry standard of 20.5%.

Here are a few things I’ve learned on my journey to consistently kick the ass of that benchmark (often my open rates are upwards of 50%).


Whoā€™s it from? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

I know it might seem an obvious consideration but, youā€™d be surprised by how many people fall at this first hurdle.

People in their inbox will pay attention to who itā€™s from.

The, ā€œfromā€ field is PRIME real-estate in email marketing.

Use a personal email address – look at my personal email account inbox below, notice anything about the only email I opened? Full disclosure, that email is a mailing list email too (but it doesnā€™t appear like it).

Letā€™s talk subjectsā€¦ šŸ’”

Your subject line is a huge deciding factor in whether someone will open your email or not.

Not convinced?

Let me throw some convincing stats your way:


So, whatā€™s the best method for writing subject lines?

Here are my top 5 tips:

Keep it personal

Personalised subject lines have a proven track record for improving:

  • Click Through Rates
  • Open Rates
  • Conversions

so, if these are your goals (and they really ought to be), itā€™s a no-brainer to make it personal.

Hey valued subscriber, here’s what’s coming up this month…

~ some LAME-ASS newsletter

Hey Joe, how’s it hanging?

~ a MUCH BETTER newsletter

Lower Case Subjects

This is HUGE. It implies a real human being has hurriedly written a personal email to the recipient.

Thatā€™s a big deal.

In a world of all-caps, your hand-crafted, lower-case subject lines will cut through the crap and drive opens (I dare you to try it out).

Get people curious šŸ‘€

Thereā€™s a reason the saying, ā€˜curiosity killed the catā€™ is a cliche.

Itā€™s because everybody and his dog knows that curiosity is powerful.

How do we do it?

  • We sometimes use emojis! The last email I sent out (at the time of writing) had the subject line: šŸ”„šŸ’Ø
  • ā€œIā€™ve got a little something to give away (you donā€™t want to miss this)ā€¦ ā€œ
  • think of your subject line as the first sentence in a good story

Contented with your content?

The body of your email is where youā€™re going to live or die in terms of click-throughs, unsubscribes and engagement.

Hereā€™s my $0.02 on some good practiceā€¦

  • Donā€™t use images – they can look too glossy/sales-ey
  • donā€™t overdo the links (my rule of thumb: 1 CTA with 2/3 max links associated with the cta)
  • Make it super easy to unsubscribe – it conveys confidence and shows youā€™re writing for a specific person and only care about a relevant audience
  • Ask for a reply
  • Remind subscribers to ā€œadd me to your address bookā€
  • actually, write an email people will want to read – if you arenā€™t delivering value in your email, itā€™s not worth sending it!

Hereā€™s a cheat sheet of spam trigger words:


Nail these things and you’ll land WAY more opens, click-throughs and conversions than before.